Growth to Greatness: The Layman's Introduction to Network Security for Your Business
Growth to Greatness: The Layman's Introduction to Network Security for Your Business
July 20, 2022
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM CDT
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Event Description:
Think about your business as a bicycle wheel. You have core values in the center that give direction and drive, then you have employees that make up the spokes-- providing support to the core. Lastly, there is the outer wheel that represents the business itself taking direction from the core and being supported by the spokes. Remove any one thing from the wheel; it will not work as intended.
So let us think of network security in the same way – as a bicycle wheel. At the center, you have the data and files that you want to protect. The spokes are not only the employees but also the various components that help to secure your network and the outer wheel of our business.
At this Growth to Greatness session, we will provide a non-technical introduction on how to begin to secure your business.We will discuss several topics related to keeping your network secure while maintaining a down-to-earth conversation about what each item does and why it is important.
So let us think of network security in the same way – as a bicycle wheel. At the center, you have the data and files that you want to protect. The spokes are not only the employees but also the various components that help to secure your network and the outer wheel of our business.
At this Growth to Greatness session, we will provide a non-technical introduction on how to begin to secure your business.We will discuss several topics related to keeping your network secure while maintaining a down-to-earth conversation about what each item does and why it is important.

Jarred Barbour
Snider IT