Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning go Results Found: 4 Button group with nested dropdown Gold Member D&D Plumbing, Heating, A/C and Electric 1101 W. Florida Ave. Midland TX 79701 (432) 687-1011 Ellis & Sons Plumbing, Heating & Cool... Ellis & Sons Plumbing, Heating & Cooling 201 E Dengar Midland TX 79705 (432) 683-2679 Platinum Club The Bosworth Company ''Serving the Permian Basin for over 70 Years'' ''Serving the Permian Basin for over 70 Years'' 2205 W. Industrial Ave. Midland TX 79701 (432) 683-5233 The GO Company The GO Company Midland TX 79701 (432) 818-7272