Registration:Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
Join us for the 4th annual WTX Women's Symposium on November 12th at the Bush Convention Center!
WTX Women was developed to provide motivation, professional development, and networking opportunities for professional women in the Permian Basin and surrounding areas. The goal of this event is to equip and inspire West Texas women to reach their professional goals. Our hope is that attendees will receive access to information to help them achieve their goals, grow as leaders, and inspire others.
The event will feature content and breakout sessions led by local professional women as well as a keynote speech.
WTX Women is for:
- Professional Women - Managers + Executives - Small Business Owners - Aspiring Leaders
Register or Sponsortoday!
Registrants of Chamber events agree to allow the Chamber and its photographer to photograph them in the context of the event. Footage captured by the Chamber photographer may be posted on social media, shared with media outlets, and/or used in future print and electronic promotional materials.
Sponsorship registration is available online or by calling 432-683-3381. Sponsorship commitment must be received at least 6 weeks in advance to guarantee fulfillment of all promotional benefits.
Event Schedule:
7:45 am Check-In Opens, Breakfast Served
8:45 am Welcome: Melissa Wicker
9:00 am Sessions Begin
Tiny Nudges (Toward Happiness)
Kristen Partridge, VP for Organizational and Leadership Development at The Triumph Team
Leveraging Events & Collaboration to Grow Your Local Business (and helping others along the way)
Stacy Livingston, founder of MidlandAF, Midland Art Crawl Ginny Van Doren-Truong, owner & founder of Backstage Event Marketing
Conscious Health: Intentional Choices for the Future You
Taylor Wiedenfeld, MPH, Midland Health
Strength in Service: Building Resilience for Women Leaders
Wandaliz Turner, Director of Development at the Jane Nelson Institute for Women's Leadership (JNIWL)
12:00 pm Lunch & Keynote Speaker
Finding Purpose In Your Path
Dr. Becky Spurlock, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, University of Texas at the Permian Basin
1:00 pm Open Networking Event
Networking Session
Hosted by Kelsie Rasure, 24-25 President of the Permian Basin Board of Realtors, YPM Steering Committee member
Tickets: In-Person Registration: -- Chamber Member: $125 (1 Day Event Pass) -- Non-Member: $150 (1 Day Event Pass)
Registration will close November 7th at 5 PM
**No refunds will be granted after 10/30/2024 for cancellations or ticket downgrades.**
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Midland Chamber of Commerce for more information.
303 W. Wall Street, Midland, TX 79701 – (432) 683-3381 –